
  They came back to Framheim on March 23rd. It was nearly winter in the Antarctic. Their ship Fram was far away now, near South America. They were alone on the ice.
  Oates went with Scott to make the first British depot. They left Cape Evans on January 25th. There were thirteen men, eight ponies, and twenty-six dogs. The dogs were faster than the ponies— (1) Every morning the ponies started first, and the dogs started two hours later, because they ran faster. (2) but the ponies stood on top of the snow. It was -20°Centigrade.
  After fifteen days Oates talked to Scott. (3)
  'Three of these ponies are ill, Captain,' Oates said. 'They can't go on.'
  'Don't be stupid, Oates,' Scott answered. 'They're good strong animals—the best ponies on earth.'
  'Not these three,' Oates said. 'They're ill, and unhappy, and now they can't walk. Let's kill them, and leave the meat here, in the snow. We can eat it, or the dogs can.'
  'Of course not!' Scott said angrily. 'These ponies are our friends, they work hard for us. I don't kill my friends!'
  Three days later, two of the ponies were dead.
  Scott's men were slower than Amundsen's; it took them twenty-four days to get to 80°South. (4) Then they went back to Cape Evans.
  Their camp was on an island in the ice, and the sea ice moved sometimes. There were holes in the ice, and black sea water under it. One day seven ponies went through the ice into the sea, and died. (5)
they ran quickly over the top of the snow, but the ponies' feet went through it. At night, the dogs made warm holes under the snow, There was a strong wind, and the two men's faces were white with snow. They made a big depot there, and put one large black flag on top of it. One motor sledge also went into the sea.
他们再度回到弗雷门海姆时,已是3月23日。这时南极时近冬天。他们的弗雷门号船早已远驶而去,现在到了南美洲附近。只有他们孤独地留在冰封的天地里。   奥茨跟随斯科特,前往修建第一座英国人的贮藏屋。他们于1月25日离开了开普埃文斯。一行13人、8匹小马、26条狗。这些狗比小马要快:它们能够在雪地上快速地奔跑,但是马腿却要陷进雪里。每天早晨,都是小马首先出发。2小时后,狗儿们才上路,因为它们奔跑速度快些。夜里,狗躲进挖在雪下面的温暖的洞里,但是小马只能站在雪地上,承受着-20℃的气温。   15天后,奥茨向斯科特请示。当时强劲的寒风刮起,两人脸上都沾上一层白雪。   “队长,有3匹小马病了,”奥茨说,“走不动了。”   “别犯傻了,奥茨,”斯科特回答说,“它们都是强壮的好畜牲,地球上最好的小马。”   “这3匹不是,”奥茨说,“它们病歪歪的,无精打采。现在它们根本无法走路。杀了它们吧,将肉留在这儿的雪里。要么我们吃,要么让狗吃。”   “绝对不行!”斯科特生气地说,“这些小马是我们的朋友,它们拼命地为我们干活儿。我可不想杀掉自己的朋友!”   3天后,其中有2匹小马死了。   斯科特的人比阿蒙森的人动作慢。他们花了24天才抵达南纬80”地区。他们在那儿修建了一个大贮藏屋,在棚顶上插了一面大黑旗。然后,他们返回开普埃文斯。   他们的营地构筑在冰岛上,海冰有时还会移动。冰层中还有些空洞,可以看到冰下的黑色海水。一天,7头小马从冰窟中掉进海里,死了。还有一辆机动雪橇也掉进了海里。