South Pole

  'They're beautiful ponies, Titus,' Scott said. 'They come from China—they're wonderful ponies!'
   (1) Then he asked: 'Where is their food, Captain?'
  'Here!' Scott opened a door.
  Oates looked inside. He thought for a minute. 'We need more food than this, Captain Scott! (2) —they need a lot of food—more than this!'
  Scott smiled quietly. 'We can't take more food on this ship, Titus. Where can we put it? But it doesn't matter, old boy. They're very strong ponies, you know. The best ponies on earth.'
  Later that night, Oates wrote a letter to his mother. There are nineteen ponies on the Terra Nova now, he wrote. All the ponies are in a small room at the front of the ship. (3) Scott makes a lot of mistakes, I think, and Antarctica is a very dangerous place.
  The two ships, Terra Nova and Fram, arrived in Antarctica, in January 1911, at the end of summer. The Englishmen and the Norwegians wanted to stay on the ice all winter. (4)
  The dogs pulled the Norwegians' sledges. (5) The men ran beside them on skis.
Oates looked at them angrily, and said nothing. These ponies are going to work in the coldest place on earth We eat our food in the room under the ponies, so our table is often wet and dirty. They wanted to be ready to go to the South Pole at the beginning of the next Antarctic summer. They ran quickly over the snow and pulled the big sledges from the ship onto the ice.
“这些都是漂亮的小马,泰特斯,”斯科特说,“纯中国货,匹匹都极为出色!”   奥茨恼火地看着这些小马,没有说什么。随即他问:“队长,它们的饲料在哪里?”   “这儿!”斯科特打开一道门。   奥茨朝里看了看,思索了一会儿。“我们需要更多饲料,斯科特队长!这些小马将在地球上最冷的地区干活儿:它们需要许多饲料,远不止这些!”   斯科特无声地笑了。“这条船上,我们不可能带许多饲料,泰特斯。往哪放呢?没什么关系,老兄。你看见了,这些马十分壮实,是地球上最好的小马。”   那天深夜,奥茨给他母亲写了封信。信是这样写的:特若·诺瓦号船上现在有 19匹小马,所有小马都养在船首的小舱里。我们进餐的地方正好位于装运小马的船舱下面。所以我们的餐桌经常湿漉漉、脏兮兮的。我认为,斯科特犯了许多错误。南极洲其实是非常危险的地方。   两艘船,特若·诺瓦号与弗雷门号都抵达南极洲,时间为1911年1月,夏末。英国人与挪威人均想在这冰封的天地里度过整个冬天。他们都想做好准备工作,以求这儿第二年夏天刚开始时能向南极进军。   群狗拉着挪威人的雪橇,在雪地上高速奔跑,将从船上卸下来的大雪橇拉到了冰封世界。众人踩着滑雪板滑行在一旁。