Peter Sellars
George Crumb
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
When Johnny Comes Marching Home
Dawn Upshaw
Winds of Destiny
校稿 Akashic
翻译 zpdslshhz
组长 澈底
Sellars says he was attracted to George Crumb's score as he realized that the situation of the United States today mirrors that during the Civil War 150 years ago. "The kind of virulence and anger and fury of one part of the country towards another part of the country is bitter. And the same lon…
塞勒斯说他深深地迷上了乔治·克拉姆创作的配乐,这些曲子让他感觉到美国当下的时局犹如150年前内战时期的写照。 “同根同种,相煎何急。人与人之间的那种强烈的恶意、愤怒是尖锐的,尽显无遗。这些曲子折射出内战时期人们的孤独、悲痛、敌愁之感,比如“共和国战歌”、“当约翰尼迈步回家时”,同样,歌颂渴望的曲子,…