Son of Beast
King's Island
Papa Beast
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 manhattan280
组长 ilmalfoy
It's roller-coaster time at America's amusement and theme parks. Time to laugh in anticipation as the coaster takes its sweet old time clicking and clacking up the first incline and then shriek in mock terror as it seemingly hurls you off the edge of the earth into an abyss of steel and wood below. …
现在正是过山车盛行于美国游乐场和主题公园的时候。当过山车慢悠悠的、咔嗒咔嗒的爬上第一个斜坡时,满怀期待的你还能笑容满面。然后,当过山车陡降似乎要将你甩出世界尽头,掉落到下面那个个布满钢铁和木架的深渊里时,你就会被这种模拟的恐惧吓得惊声尖叫。 但有些新型过山车完全没有咔嗒咔嗒的加速过程。这些过山车在…