Lisa See
Dreams of Joy
Los Angeles
People's Republic of China
Fukien Province
Chairman Mao Zedong
校稿 forever秋懵
翻译 xzc1987
组长 jilang
The writer Lisa See takes readers on a trans-Pacific journey in her latest novel, Dreams of Joy. The book is a sequel to See's 2009 novel Shanghai Girls, which tells the story of two sisters, Pearl and May, who live through the turbulence of 1930s China and escape the Japanese invasion and occup…
作家丽莎•泗在其最近的一部小说《乔伊的梦想》中,带领读者作了一次跨越太平洋的旅行。 这部小说是泗2009年《上海女孩》的一个续篇。《上海女孩》讲述了两姊妹珠珠和梅梅的故事。她们经历了上世纪三十年代中国的混乱,然后在日军侵占上海时,逃往了洛杉矶唐人街。当时,由于移民限制,产生了很多虚假的亲属关系网。通常…