2012年2月27日,陈思成、佟丽娅代表《北京爱情故事》剧组录制湖南卫视王牌节目《快乐大本营》 。在主持群快乐家族的穷追猛打下,节目现场上演了第40集《北京爱情故事》大结局,给留有遗憾的观众一个圆满:疯子与沈冰终找到归属,俩人承认绯闻,一对“梨涡”荧屏情侣鞠躬感谢大家的关注,期待得到大家的祝福。


1. Make time for each other whether it is going out with friends, attending a sporting event, going to a social function or cuddling on the couch. We tend to forget about spending time together when we fall into the hustle and bustle of life.

2. An important key to a long lasting relationship is affection and loving. When your partner least expects it, reach out and hug or kiss them. Do this spontaneously and frequently.

3. Tell your partner how lucky you feel to have them in your life. Couples forget to tell each other from time to time how truly important the other is to them. Speak out and express your love when you can and tell them how much you care.

4. Give your partner space. Just as much as we need time together, we also need space. Give your partner the space they need, when they need it.

5. Start over. Some couples are able to do this and achieve a 'new' feeling again within their relationships. This feeling is achieved by forgiving and forgetting the past and the mistakes both of you have made.