Statue of Lib
Emma Lazarus
校稿 李奇亮
翻译 manhattan280
组长 李奇亮
The statue itself stands about 46m tall. The distance from the ground to the top of the golden torch is about 93m. The statue can be seen from far away. For the many millions of immigrants who came to America on ships, the Statue of Liberty was the first thing they saw. In 1883, American poet Emma L…
这座雕像高达46米。而地面到黄金火炬顶端的总高度大约是93米。人们远远地就能望见这座雕像。数百万乘船远航到美国的移民们,最先看到的就是自由女神像。 1883年,在美国诗人艾玛·拉撒路的笔下,诗篇中的自由女神仿佛能开口说话。在诗句中的一段中,她说:“渴望自由的卑微的人们啊,给我你们的疲倦,贫穷...我会在金色的大…