Dmitri Medvedev
The currency most commonly used in foreign trade is the dollar. But last week, the governor of the Chinese central bank suggested that the dollar be replaced as the world's leading reserve currency. Zhou Xiaochuan called for a new currency disconnected from individual nations -- such as using what a…
外贸中最常用的货币是美元。但上周,中国央行行长周小川提议应该用国际首要储备货币来取代美元,并呼吁建立一种与各个国家都不挂钩的货币,比如使用“特别提款权”。 IMF40年前设立了“特别提款权”(SDR),其价值依据几个主要货币。目前,IMF以及其它国际组织主要将其作为一种支付工具。 上周,联合国一专家小组也敦…