故事讲述玫瑰镇(Rosewood Day)镇中学的社交女王Alison失踪一年后,她的四位好友--Spencer,Hanna,Aria和Emily。突然收到一条署名为「A」的神秘短信。「A」威胁说要揭发这四位美少女的秘密--包括她们隐藏了很久的、只有Alison才知道的秘密。

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>

Aria:Wait.It's from "a."
Spencer:"dead girls walking."
so let's see...
You thought you heard her scream.
Spencer:I-I said that, yeah.
And when you three woke up.In the barn,Alison was gone,
And so was Spencer.
Spencer:Yes, I woke up before them,And I realized that Ali was missing, so...
So you went looking for her.
Spencer:That's what happened.
I got that.
So, what's up? Was this
a slumber party, or...?
Spencer:     1     .
No, just a routine follow-up.
Why did you guys all fall asleep?
Aria:I guess we were tired.
Is that how you remember it, Hanna?
Yeah, you guys were tired.
Spencer:Look, we've told you everything we know.     2    .I know, and you see,the thing is,
It's almost exactly what you said last year--
     3    .
Is this an interrogation? Just like we did the night she went missing. Almost like it was rehearsed.
这是在审问吗? 就像她失踪的那晚~ 我们已经告诉你我们所知道的。