4.Food and Drink

No more, thank you.够了,谢谢。
No, I won't have any more, thank you.不了,谢谢你,我再也吃不下了。
Just a little, please.只要一点儿。
May I have just a little to taste? We don't have it in my country.
No, thank you.不要了,谢谢。
No, I enjoyed it very much, but I won't have any more.不,我很喜欢,可是再也吃不下了。
Can I pass you anything?要我递给你什么吗?
Do you take salt, or pepper?你要盐还是胡椒?
Shall I cut you some bread我给你切些面包好吗?

half-pint(1/2 pt.) 半品脱
pint (pt.) 品脱
quart (qt.) 夸脱
gallon(gal.) 加仑
ounce(oz.) 盎司
quarter-pound(1/4 1b) 四分之一磅
half-pound(1/2 1b) 半磅
pound (1b) 磅

dairy: milk, butter, cheese
乳制品: 牛奶 奶油 干
poultry: chicken, turkey, duck, goose
家禽: 鸡 火鸡 鸭 鹅
meat: beef, pork, lamb, veal,
肉: 牛肉 肉 羊肉 小牛肉
chops, fillet, steak, roast, 碎肉 去骨肉片 排骨 烤肉
leg of..., breast of
……腿肉 ……胸脯肉
fish: sole, flounder, cod, fillet
鱼: 鲽鱼 比目鱼 鳝鱼 去骨鱼片
shelled fish: shrimp, lobster, crabs
甲壳鱼: 虾 龙虾 蟹
canned foods: fruits, vegetables
罐装食品: 水果罐头 蔬菜罐头
beverages: soda, beer
饮料: 汽水 啤酒
starches: potato, rice, noodles
淀粉类食物: 土豆大米 (饭) 面条
proteins: meat, fish, egg
蛋白质食品: 肉 鱼 蛋
vegetables: cabbage, onion, cauliflower, carrot,
蔬菜: 包心菜 洋葱 椰菜(菜花) 胡萝卜
pea, asparagus, tring beaus spinach,来源:考
豌豆 芦笋 蚕豆 菠菜
turnip, eggplant, celery, beet,
萝卜 茄子 芹菜 甜菜
green pepper, mushroom, tomato, lettuce,
青辣椒 蘑菇 西红柿 莴苣
fruits: apple, orange, banana, pear 来源:www.exam
水果: 苹果 橘子 香蕉 梨
cherry, pineapple, strawberry, blueberry,
樱桃 菠萝 草毒 紫酱果
peach, nectarine, avocado, melon,
桃 油挑 鳄梨 甜瓜
grape, lemon
葡萄 柠檬
breads: white, rye, whole wheat,
面包: 白面包 黑面包 全麦面包
pumpernickel 来源:考试大
desserts: cake, pie, cookie, ice cream,
甜点心: 蛋糕 馅饼 饼干 冰淇淋。