
参考答案: The little girl burnt herself playing with fire.


Conversation B
Josie: No. She will bring me customers. People will come to play with her. Then they’ll buy books.
Eve: Oh, I see.
Pete: (to Eve) She just wanted a dog.
Eve: So will you get a pig for the Year of Pig?
Josie: Hmm, maybe.
Pete: If you get a pig, can I eat it?
Josie: No!
Pete: Why not? I love ham.

Conversation C
Josie: If I get a pig, we will not eat it.
Eve: People don’t eat ham at Chinese New Year, anyway.
Pete: I know. They eat foods like fish and dumplings.
Josie: How do you know?
Pete: I’m taking a Chinese class this year.
Josie: Oh, that’s right.
Pete: But we’re not Chinese. So we can eat anything. Bacon, pork chops …
Josie: Pete!
