
1 这里简直太乱了。
2 她从来不搞乱任何事情。


Roommates (1/2) 室友

Conversation A

(The next morning, Mark is vacuuming(v.用真空吸尘器打扫) the dorm room. Dan is still in bed.)

Dan: Hey, Mark! What are you doing, mate? It’s too early to vacuum!

Mark: it’s not early. It’s almost noon.

Dan: Well, I’m sure the floor is not that dirty. We’ve only been here one day.

Mark: Yeah, and you’ve already made a big mess(n.一团糟,混乱).

Dan: Don’t worry, mate. I can pay someone to clean it. Don’t work so hard.

Mark: At home, I live on a farm. I’m used to hard work.

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