Tim Conrad
And who might this handsome young lad be? Tim Conrad. He believes that someday he will marry the girl of his dreams, even though every time he asks, she says no. And even though, as we speak, she is probably having sex with a handsome artist. Tim Conrad is a dreamer. So dare to dream. Dream your wildest dreams. You can climb the highest mountain. You can drown in a teacup, if you find a big enough teacup. And if somebody tells you that you can't do something, you say, "Yes, I can.'Cause I'm doing it right now!"
这个年轻帅小伙又是谁呢?Tim Conrad,他相信有一天他能迎娶心中最爱,尽管他每一次都被拒绝;尽管我们说话的时候,她正在跟一个英俊的艺术家做爱。Tim Conrad... 是个梦想家。所以,大胆去做梦,做最狂野的梦吧,你可以攀登世界最高的山峰,你可以淹死在区区茶壶,当然你要找到足够大的茶壶。如果有人告诉你你不能做某件事,你就说 "不 我可以,因为我现在就在做"。