Remarks by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at Asia Society in New York
February 13, 2009
New York

U.S. and Asia: Two Transatlantic and Transpacific Powers

Today, it is tempting to focus our attention on the tensions and perils of our interdependence, but I prefer to view our connectedness as an opportunity for dynamic and productive partnerships that can address both the challenge and the promise of this new century. And that's what I want to talk about today, how the United States is committed to a new era of diplomacy and development in which we will use smart power to work with historic allies and emerging nations to find regional and global solutions to common global problems.
今天,人们往往容易将注意力集中于互相依赖所带来的紧张和危险,但我却更愿意视我们的相互关联为一种机遇,促进富有活力和建设性的伙伴合作关系,既能迎接挑战,又能把握这一新世纪的期许。 这便是我今天要谈论的话题,即美国如何致力于外交和发展的新时代,运用明智的实力,与长期的同盟及新兴国家共同努力,寻求解决全球性共同问题的地区和全球方案。