冬天脚是最容易受冻的 了,尤其是女孩子更是容易手脚冰凉。如何让脚更保暖不受冻呢?【妙招大看台】教你妙招!


Your toes are the most vulnerable part of your body when it comes to the cold. Keep them – and the rest of your feet – toasty with these steps.
You will need: two pairs of cotton socks, waterproof shoes or boots.
Step 1:
Sweaty feet become cold feet after a few hours in cold weather. _________
Step 2:
Slide on a pair of cotton socks. Make sure they’re not wool or synthetic: both can trap moisture.
Consider using thin, lightweight socks. Though it may seem counterintuitive, thin socks can actually keep your feet warmer because they don’t cause you to sweat as much.
Step 3:
Smooth out the wrinkles in your socks so they don’t jam between your toes.
Step 4:
Make sure your shoes or boots fit well. Shoes that are too big or small can make your feet cold, either by letting in air and water, or by cutting off circulation.
Step 5:
Go ahead – walk right through that puddle. Just bring along an extra pair of socks in case your boots aren’t as waterproof as you thought.
Did you know? When hiking, the temperature drops an average of 2 ½ degrees Fahrenheit for every 1,000 feet you climb.

Make sure your feet are dry before you put your socks on. Slip on your waterproof shoes or boots.
synthetic a.人造的,合成的,非天然的 counterintuitive a.违反直觉的 cut off 切断,阻断 这里的cut off circulation意思是阻止血液循环