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Today in History

December 19th, 1998
In Washington, Bill Clinton becomes the second American president [-----1-----] by the House of Representatives. The Republican-controlled House impeaches Democratic Clinton for [-----2-----] over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. We must stop the politics of personal destruction ." The following February Clinton is acquitted by the Republican-controlled Senate, and finishes the rest of his term in office.

An [-----3-----] of the Revolutionary War, General George Washington leads his Continental Army about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, to camp for the winner.

"Bah! Humbug! ", Charles Dickens' novel--- A Christmas Carol, the tale about Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and holiday's spirit, is first published in Britain.

Apollo 17th, [-----4-----] the Pacific Ocean, bringing the last of of America's [-----5-----] to the Moon to an end.

And 1957
In New York, the Music Man, starring Robert Preston as Professor Harold Hill, opens on Broadway.

Today in history, December 19th. Nancy Lyons, the Associated Press.
to be impeached perjury and obstruction of justice iconic chapter splashes down manned missions to the Moon