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Today in History

December 18th, 1944
The U.S. Supreme Court [-----1-----] of Japanese Americans during World War II. While the High Court opposes the relocation, it adds the Americans of Japanese ancestry who are undeniably loyal can no longer be detained. More than four decades later, the U.S. government apologizes for its policy and pays money to surviving Japanese Americans.

During the Vietnam War, the United States begins 12 days of heavy bombing of North Vietnamese targets. [-----2-----], ending America's military role and its longest war, is reached the following month.

Movie director and producer, Steven Spielberg, is born in Cincinnati. Just a few of his many popular films: "Jaws", "E.T.", "Raiders of the Lost Ark", "Jurassic Park", "Schindler's List" and "Saving Private Ryan".

And 1982
"The Nutcracker", [-----3-----] by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [-----4-----] in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Today in History, December 18th, Ross Simpson, the Associated Press.
rules on the forced relocation and detention A cease-fire agreement the ballet publicly premieres