A Florida judge hands a legal victory to the former astronaut accused of assaulting a women vying with her for the affection of the same shuttle pilot. The judge says the investigators took advantage of 44-year-old Lisa Nowak and she threw out evidence they collected that included the now infamous diapers that she allegedly wore on her journey from Houston to Orlando.

The nation's biggest nuclear power plant has been reopened after it was locked down when officials found a pipe bomb in the back of a contractor's truck. The man says the bomb wasn't his and he's unsure how it got into his vehicle.

Hugo Chavez might be in power for a long time. Venezuela's National Assembly voted overwhelmingly to rework the country's constitution so that he can run for re-election indefinitely.

And Steven Colbert's attempt to get himself included on the South Carolina presidential ballot has ended. Democratic Party officials voted to bar the Canadian from the list even thought he paid the 25,000-dollar filing fee. Colbert's plan was to run both as Republican and Democrat, so that he can lose twice.