据2006年正式发布的数据显示,Michael Jackson一生共为世界慈善事业捐款三亿美元。
Michael Jackson于1992年成立了“拯救世界”(“治愈世界”)基金会。
“拯救世界”基金会已经为20个国家的许多儿童提供了支持和援助。在这个星球上,只有他,才谱写出了这么多的慈善歌曲;只有他,才会每去一个地方就坚持去医院、孤儿院探望;只有他,才肯把大笔大笔的钱(共约三亿美金)捐给了慈善机构;只有他,才能够不顾流言诽谤,为儿童和环境事业孜孜不倦、坚持不懈;只有他——Michael Jackson。
2001年,Michael Jackson在牛津大学演讲,以拯救儿童为主题。

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can he dealt with. ________1________ How could any of them truly prevail in pulling you down. For you know that you are an object worthy of love. The rest is just packaging.
But if you don't have that memory of being loved, you are condemned to search the world for something to fill you up. But no matter how much money you make or how famous you become, you will still fell empty. _________2_________

A professor may degrade you, but you will not feel degraded, a boss may crush you, but you will not be crushed, a corporate gladiator might vanquish you, but you will still triumph. What you are really searching for is unconditional love, unqualified acceptance. And that was the one thing that was denied to you at birth.
如果你降临或离开这个世界时都感到被爱,那么这些时间里发生的所有意外你都能对付得了。教授可能降你的级,可你自己并没有降级,老板可能排挤你,可你不会被排挤掉,一个辩论对手可能会击败你,可你却仍能胜利。他们怎么能真正战胜你击倒你呢?因为你知道你是值得被爱的,其余的只是一层包装罢了。 可是,如果你没有被爱的记忆,你就无法发现世界上有什么东西能够让你充实。无论你挣了多少钱,无论你有多出名,你仍然觉得空虚。你真正寻找的只是无条件的爱和完全的包容。而这些在你诞生时就被拒绝给予。