
George Washington;Franklin D. Roosevelt;John Adams;Thomas Jefferson
George Washington became the first president of the United States on April 30, 1789. He had been in charge of the army. As president, his job was to create a working government. With congress, he created the Treasury, Justice and War departments. Together, the leaders of these departments and the others that were founded in later years are called the cabinet. One chief justice and five (today eight) associate justices made up the Supreme Court. Three circuit courts and 13 district courts were created. Policies were developed for governing the western territories and bringing them into the Union as new states. George Washington served two four - year terms as president before leaving office. (Only one U.S. president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, has served more than two terms. Today, the constitution says that no one may be elected president more than twice). The next two presidents — John Adams and Thomas Jefferson — had different ideas about the role of government. This led to the creation of political parties.
在1789年4月30日乔治华盛顿成为美国第一任总统。他曾经管理过军队。作为总统,他的工作是创建工作的政府。他和国会创建了财政部,司法部,战争部门。总之,在几年成立的这些部门和其他部门被称为内阁。终审法院首席法官和5个(现今8个)副法官组成的最高法院。创建3个巡回法院和13个区法院。政策开发治理西部地区,并把他们作为新的国家联盟。乔治华盛顿担任总统离任前做了两个为期四年的任期。 (只有一个美国总统富兰克林罗斯福,曾担任超过两届。如今,宪法说任何人不得当选总统超过两次)。接下来的两个总统约翰亚当斯和托马斯杰弗逊关于政府的作用有不同的想法。这使得政党创建起来。