
注意: 1、此段听写途中引用了一位哲学家的文献,童鞋们要记得打上“引号”。

Ivory Tower 象牙塔
Main Street 此处代指“社会”
Alfred North Whitehead
celibacy 此处指“闭关修行”

So let me begin with bridge building. Here I'm going back to what I talked about right at the very beginning of the first lecture: the idea of bridging Ivory Tower and Main Street. There're many people in academia, outside of academia, who divide the world essentially into two. They talked about the real world that is outside, that is dirty, impure, profane versus academia, which is lofty, idealistic, sacred. Sacred versus the profane. This distinction hurts. It hurts academia and hurts people who are outside of academia. Alfred North Whitehead, the philosopher: "The careful shielding of university from the activities of the world around us is the best way to chill interest and to defeat progress. Celibacy does not suit a university. It must mate itself with action." This is very important for university.
现在我们先从搭建”桥梁”说起。我要回顾第一节课开始时谈到的内容,那就是:搭起象牙塔与社会之间的桥梁的想法。学术界内外有很多人从根本上将世界一分为二,他们说真实世界是外部的、是肮脏的、不洁、被亵渎的;而学术界内,则把社会看成是是崇高的、有理想的、神圣的。神圣与世俗,这种区分会带来伤害,它同时伤害了学术界及非学术界的人。哲学家Alfred North Whitehead说过,“大学小心翼翼地将我们与外界活动隔开,这样最容易打击学习兴趣,阻碍进步。大学不应该闭关修行,必须要与外界实际交流才行。”这点对大学来说非常重要。”