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简介:Ray Meyer, 55, had a 30-year career in banking before losing his job. He's been rolling from one temp assignment to the next since February.

St. Louis
get rich off of
Annica Trotter

Barfield was in the auto industry until the plant he was working in shut down. He was unemployed off and on for three years. Over the summer, he had a seasonal position driving a forklift at a major St. Louis company, but he didn't get hired on permanently. Now he's working the occasional weekend shift and looking for full-time work. We've got so many needs in this country. Why can't they put partisanship aside and start fixing things? Barfield is a Republican. And he's no fan of President Obama or the idea of spending more money on economic stimulus. He's worried about the deficit. But Barfield makes an exception for extending unemployment benefits. You got to give people a way to actually live. I'm not saying get rich. I'm just saying make it day to day. No one's getting rich off of this. But at least you can afford to feed your family. Thus far, Congress has done nothing about continuing extended unemployment benefits past the end of this year. Annica Trotter is working now as a receptionist for a security company, but she relied on unemployment benefits earlier this year. She says she saw an interesting quote on the Internet that said, let's give the politicians a minimum wage salary and then we'll start to see change. I don't think that will ever happen, but, you know, I got a kick out of it because they don't understand what it's like to make $8.50, $9.50, $10.50, you know, that little, compared to what they make now and have to live on that. Trotter is a Democrat. But she says she doesn't actually pay much attention to the daily political back and forth - the blame game, as she calls it. Trotter says she's too busy trying to pay her bills and feed her two kids.