

Coast Guard

【回顾】【乔布斯传】第一章:从小就跟着老爸混(9) »

His father continued to refurbish and resell used cars, and he festooned the garage with pictures of his favorites. He would point out the detailing of the design to his son: the lines, the vents, the chrome, the trim of the seats. After work each day, he would change into his dungarees and retreat to the garage, often with Steve tagging along. "I figured I could get him nailed down with a little mechanical ability, but he really wasn't interested in getting his hands dirty," Paul later recalled. "He never really cared too much about mechanical things." "I wasn't that into fixing cars," Jobs admitted. "But I was eager to hang out with my dad." Even as he was growing more aware that he had been adopted, he was becoming more attached to his father. One day when he was about eight, he discovered a photograph of his father from his time in the Coast Guard. "He's in the engine room, and he's got his shirt off and looks like James Dean. It was one of those Oh wow moments for a kid. Wow, oh, my parents were actually once very young and really good-looking."
父亲继续着翻新、出售二手车的事业,并在车库里贴满了他喜爱的汽车图片。他会向儿子介绍车辆设计的细节——线条、排气孔、铬合金以及座椅的装饰。每天下班后,他就换上工作服,窝在车库里,史蒂夫也常常跟着他。“我原本想让他掌握一点儿机械方面的技能,但他不愿意把手弄脏,”保罗后来回忆说,“他从没有真正喜欢过机械方面的东西。” 在引擎盖下修修补补根本吸引不了乔布斯。“我对修汽车没什么兴趣。但我特别喜欢跟爸爸待在一起。”即使随着年龄的增长,他越来越意识到自己是被领养的,他还是越来越喜欢跟爸爸黏在一起。乔布斯差不多8岁的时候,有一天他发现了一张父亲在海岸警卫队时的照片。“他在轮机舱里,上身赤裸,看上去很像詹姆斯•迪恩。对一个孩子来说,那一刻只能用‘哇,天哪’来形容了。哇,天哪!我的父母也曾经年轻过,而且长相也很不错。”