杰克逊死亡案宣判 私人医生过失杀人罪成立

Michael Jackson
Dr Conrad Murray
Los Angeles

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Michael Jackson was killed with a lethal dose of anaesthetic by his personal physician Dr Conrad Murray, a jury has decided at the doctor's trial in Los Angeles. Following a six-week case, cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray, 58, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter after the jury decided his treatment of the singer had been criminally negligent. Murray, who will lose his medical licence, sat stone-faced as the unanimous verdict was delivered. He was handcuffed and remanded in custody for sentencing on Nov 29th. He faces a maximum sentence of up to four years in prison. In court, members of the late singer's family shouted "Yes" as the verdict came down. Jackson's mother Katherine sobbed quietly. Later, outside court, she said: "I feel better now." As Murray, wearing a light grey suit, was led out of the courtroom in handcuffs he cast a final glance at his own mother, who whispered the words "I love you."
洛杉矶一家法院的陪审团近日认定,迈克尔•杰克逊死于服用过量的麻醉剂。他生前的私人医生康拉德•默里过失杀人罪名成立。 在六周的诉讼后,58岁的心脏病专家康拉德•默里医生被判过失杀人罪,陪审团认为他置杰克逊的生死于不顾。 陪审团成员一致同意后做出这项裁决。裁决宣布时,默里面无表情。他将丢掉医生执照。 默里被戴上手铐关押起来,等待本月29日的宣判。他将面临最多4年监禁。 陪审团宣布决定时,已故天王杰克逊的家人大喊“胜利啦”。杰克逊的母亲凯瑟琳轻声哭了起来。随后,她在法庭外面说:“我感觉好多了。” 身穿浅灰色西装的默里戴着手铐被带到法庭外时,他朝自己的母亲看了最后一眼,母亲低声说:“我爱你”。