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简介:Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern greets young admirers in his home state at an airport rally in Sioux Falls, S.D., in 1972. Many baby boomers voted for McGovern in their first election, against Republican candidate Richard Nixon. In 2008, boomers narrowly backed President Barack Obama, but they swung over to Republicans in 2010.

the Pew Research Center
Mitt Romney
Carroll Doherty
George McGovern
Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton

"I think the government should be run by businessmen and not politicians, because they don't run it as a business. They run it as - God knows what.” Duffy says he's voted for Democrats and Republicans over the years. He backed President Obama in '08. But this time, he's considering the Republicans, especially Mitt Romney. "Yeah, probably. Like I say, I'm still looking into everything and Romney is a businessman, good businessman. He made a lot of money for Massachusetts. But, you know, I'm still looking." Carroll Doherty, of the Pew Research Center, says many a baby boomer voted for George McGovern in 1972. The generation was the Democratic nominee's strongest voting bloc in a landslide loss that year. "They've moved quite a distance since then. And just over the past decade, an increasing percentage of boomers say that they identify themselves as conservatives. And they're taking more conservative views on the role of government.” But ask a baby boomer who the best president of their lifetime has been, and the two top two answers are Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. This group's big worry these days is the economy. Savings and investments have taken a hit, along with the value of their homes. Two-thirds say they expect to delay retirement for financial reasons. And they feel the squeeze between the cost of kids in college and the needs of aging parents.