Hillary Rodham Clinton
Remarks to the U.N. 4th World Conference on Women Plenary Session
delivered 5 September 1995, Beijing, China




By gathering in Beijing, we are focusing world attention on issues that matter most in our lives -- the lives of women and their families: access to education, health care, jobs and credit, the chance to enjoy basic legal and human rights and to participate fully in the political life of our countries. There are some who question the reason for this conference. Let them listen to the voices of women in their homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces. There are some who wonder whether the lives of women and girls matter to economic and political progress around the globe. Let them look at the women gathered here and at Huairou -- the homemakers and nurses, the teachers and lawyers, the policymakers and women who run their own businesses.
我们聚会在北京,令世界的焦点关注于妇女和家庭:涉及到教育、卫生保健、工作、信用、享受基本法律与人权以及在她们的国家中完全参与政治生活的的机会等等。 总有些人置疑这次大会的必要性。让他们听听来自他们家中的、邻里的和工作中的妇女的声音吧!总有些人怀疑妇女和女孩们的生活对于世界经济与政治进步是否重要。让他们来看看聚集在这里和怀柔的妇女吧,她们中有家庭主妇、护士、教师、律师、政策制定者和生意界里的妇女。