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Dela Rosa
"So, my monthly payments are gonna be four to 500." That's four to $500 a month, which is not going to come down very much, says Dela Rosa, because like so many recent graduates these days, over half of the $50,000 he borrowed is in private loans, not subsidized by the government. President Obama's pay as you earn plan does not cover private loans, only federal government loans. And that, says Dela Rosa, still leaves him in a bind. "The wiggle room isn't much for students and there are a lot of students who are, in my case, that have the combination of those private and federal loans. And those students are struggling to get by even if they have a job. And if they don't, those payments are pretty high and the interest rates on those private loans are ridiculous." Administration officials concede the plan won't solve every student's debt problem, but it's a start. And they say it won't cost the federal government a dime, because it's no longer paying banks billions of dollars in subsidies to issue college loans. "We're very encouraged by the president's proposal. But certainly this initiative alone won't solve the challenges that we have, in terms of increasing affordability for higher education."