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简介:This is the first of two reports on plans to export U.S. coal to China.

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Peabody Energy
Warren Buffet
SSA Marine
British Columbia
"There are some folks advocating for it because, like a lot of communities,we really could use some good jobs. But we're also a community that's built a reputation over the last few decades as a place that values sustainability. And there are few things that are anti-sustainability as clearly as coal is." These days the Bellingham waterfront is dotted with sailboat marinas. The city is planning to turn 200 acres of old industrial development into a huge waterfront attraction. Pike says having trains rumble right past is hardly a draw for tourists. "Beyond that, because of our reputation as a place that values sustainability, we've had a lot of businesses in the last years that choose to locate here because of that reputation. And again,things that damage that reputation damage our economic viability as a community." Mayor Pike is pitted against labor unions, who welcome the construction jobs and the few hundred high-paying jobs that would eventually result at the terminal. Proponents also include Peabody Energy, which would mine the coal for export; Warren Buffet, who owns the railway that would carry the coal; and SSA Marine, which runs ports around the world and wants to build this one. Bob Watters, in the Seattle office of SSA Marine, says the terminal will be much more environmentally sensitive than the one in British Columbia. For one thing, all the conveyor belts will be covered and the coal piles will be fenced off from the wind.