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简介:This is the first of two reports on plans to export U.S. coal to China.

NPR新闻有难度 筒子们请淡定....

Steve McMinn
Julie Trimingham
Cherry Point
Puget Sound
"Beautiful day. Yeah, it's a good day." Steve McMinn has come to this lovely waterfront park with his wife, Julie Trimingham. The park is sandwiched between the shoreline and the railroad tracks that run right through town. Trimingham's family goes back generations in Bellingham, and now for the first time she finds herself stepping up as a community activist, opposing a proposed coal-export terminal up the coast at the industrial site of Cherry Point. She's concerned about impacts on the immediate environment of the terminal, but she's also worried about the inevitable increase in train traffic through town. "There would be a train on the tracks at least once every hour, day and night. So there's the noise, there's the pollution - the diesel particulate matter - and emergency vehicle response time. We're not sure how the intensified rail usage will affect businesses who are on the wrong side of the tracks or close to the tracks." And it just seems like a wrong fit for this progressive college town on sparkling Puget Sound. "It's almost inconceivable that there would be a plan afoot to change this part of the world into a coal export facility. It seems ironic or cruel, or misguided at best."
"美丽的一天,对,不错的一天。” 史蒂夫麦克敏同妻子朱莉崔明海来到这个海滨公园。这个公园夹在海岸线和夜晚穿行城镇的铁路线中间。 崔明海一家几代人居住在贝宁汉,现在她第一次发现自己正作为社区的积极活动者,反对在波因特工业区的海岸边建立煤炭外运终端的提议。她对这个终端的直接环境可能受到的影响担心,她也同样担心城镇里出现越来越多的不可避免火车拥堵。 “每小时现在至少有一辆火车通过,日夜如是。所以带来了噪音和污染——那些柴油微粒——还有救急车辆的响应时间问题。我们不清楚,频繁的火车使用多大程度上影响了轨道附近的商业。” 此举对于这个位于耀眼的普吉特海湾先进的大学城镇来说不甚合适。“听起来简直无法相信,有一个计划正进行着把世界上的这样一个地方变成煤炭出口地。真是讽刺和残酷,或者更准确的说是让人费解。 ——译文来自: 单薄大面包