

GM plant
President Lee of South Korea
American Jobs Act
Senate Republicans

I'm here in Detroit visiting workers at a GM plant in the heart of a resurgent American auto industry. And I brought a guest with me–President Lee of South Korea. We're here because this week, Congress passed landmark trade agreements with countries like Korea, and assistance for American workers that will be a big win for our economy. These trade agreements will support tens of thousands of American jobs. And we'll sell more Fords, Chevys and Chryslers abroad stamped with three proud words–"Made in America. So it was good to see Congress act in a bipartisan way on something that will help create jobs at a time when millions of Americans are still out of work and need them now. But that's also why it was so disappointing to see Senate Republicans obstruct the American Jobs Act, even though a majority of Senators voted "yes"to advance this jobs bill.
我抱着一种复苏美国汽车产业的心态,到底特律的通用汽车公司来访问我们的工人. 同时,我带来了一位客人——韩国的李主席. 我们来到这里是因为这周, 国会通过了和一些国家比如韩国的里程碑式的贸易协议, 并且在经济方面,对工人的援助将取得巨大的胜利.这些贸易协议将为我们创造成千上万的工作岗位.并且,我们将向国外出售更多的诸如福特汽车、雪弗兰这类的产品,这些产品上面也将印有“美国制造”这几个字. 所以,能看到国会的?行动,并且这些行动能在数百万的美国公民失业并急需工作的时候创造就业岗位,这是一个很好的场面. 但令人遗憾的是,参议院中的共和党人仍然在阻碍我们的以上举动,尽管多数的参议员投票同意这次第工作账单. ——译文来自: 一个半傻瓜