

Which seems totally counter intuitive, given the fact of people consuming more calories than ever at restaurants. The bottom line, it seems likely, is that obesity has more than one cause. For example, 40 years ago, many more Americans did work that required physical labor, like in agriculture and factory jobs. Today, the bulk of those jobs has gone overseas and given way to more sedentary office jobs that mostly involve sitting at a computer. According to some studies, the average American office workers burn 140 fewer calories per day than they used to. Over months and years, those extra calories can add up. And if we're also eating more these days, that seems like a good recipe for serious weight gain.
这一看似完全相反的观点,表明人们要比在饭店中消耗更多卡路里这一事实。 最可能的解释是肥胖并不仅有一种原因。比如,40年前,许许多多的美国人从事需要体力劳动的工作,比如农业和工业。现在,大批的那种工作已经转移到国外替代的是许多需要久坐的办公室工作,而且其中大部分需要坐在计算机前面。 多项研究表明,美国办公室工作人员平均每天要比以前少燃烧140卡路里。日积月累,这些多余的能量便会累积起来。如果我们也这些日子也同样吃这么多,那么这看似便是获得超重的一种很好的方法。