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September 30th, 1966 - Chamberlain signs peace treaty with Hitler.

British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made 3 trips to Germany in an effort to avert war with Adolf Hitler. On September 30, 1938, Chamberlain joined French Premier Eduard Deladier and Italy's Premier Benito Mussolini in [-----1-----] with Hitler. The pact allowed Hitler to annex the Sudetenland, a primarily German-speaking portion of Czechoslovakia. Of course, Czechoslovakia [-----2-----]. Both Chamberlain and Deladier returned home to [-----3-----]. Chamberlain triumphantly declared that his little piece of paper had brought peace for our time. Soon after, as Hitler glibly took the rest of Czechoslovakia, the Western Allies realized [-----4-----] Hitler was.
signing a peace agreement was given no say in the agreement tumultuous welcomes how diluted the effort to appease