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This Day in History –September 27th,1960
Starring - Sylvia Pankhurst

Led by Emmeline Pankhurst, British suffragettes [-----1-----]. Pankhurst was jailed for [-----2-----], Lloyd George. Suffragette Emily Davison even flung herself in front of the king's horse in the darby in 1913. She died, but the movement [-----3-----] as women over 30 got the vote in 1918. In 1928, the year that Pankhurst died, the voting age was lowered to 21. One of Pankhurst's daughters, Sylvia, also a leading [-----4-----] and died in 1960. India's Indira Gandhi, Israeli Premier Golda Meir, and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher represent later day [-----5-----] for the pioneering suffragettes.
used militant, even violent means to win the right to vote window breaking and for bombing the home of Prime Minister prevailed feminist triumphs