

Most of us have jumped into a swimming pool and felt the shock of the cold water, only to have it feel just fine after a minute or so. Or, we've stepped into a nice warm shower and after a minute reached over and turned up the heat a little because it was not feeling warm enough. Those who like hot showers might turn up the heat a couple of times before it suits them. This ability of the body to adjust to temperatures is called thermal adaptation. When you adapt to a temperature it means it doesn’t feel cold or hot, but neutral. A simple experiment can clearly demonstrate thermal adaptation. Get three bowls large enough to put your hands in. Put cold water in one; you might add a few ice cubes to make the water cold. Put water that is hot, but not too hot to put your hands in, in the other. And in the third bowl water that is warm, about ninety degrees. Put one hand in the bowl with the cold water, and the other in the hot water for about a minute. Now put both hands in the bowl of warm water. The warm water will feel very cool to the hand that originally was in the hot water, and warm to the hand that was in the cold water.
我们当中大部分的人都曾跳过泳池并感受过冷水的冲击,这种感觉持续一两分钟之后便会感觉舒适很多。或者我们步入一个较暖的淋浴,大约一分钟一周我们便会因为感觉不太暖和而调暖一些。那些喜欢较热淋浴的人也许需要将热水开较长的时间以便适应这一温度。 身体这一调节温度的能力我们称之为热量调节装置。当你适应某一温度,说明你不不会感觉过热或过冷而是适中。 一个简单的实验可以清楚的证明热量调节装置的存在。拿三个足够大以使你能把手放进去的杯子。一个杯子放冷水,你可以放些冰块以使水变冷。另一个杯子放入热水,但是不要太热以使你不能将手放入。第三个杯子放入暖水,大约90度。 把手放入含有冷水的杯子,另一支手放入具有热水的杯子大约一分钟。现在把两只手都放入具有暖水的杯子。对于开始放入热水中的手来说暖水会感觉很凉,开始放入冷水的的手会感觉比较温暖。