For them, salmon provide a source of nutrition and inspiration. Geraldine Jim is a 70-year-old member of the Warm Springs Indian tribe in neighboring Oregon. She says the salmon population is declining. "It is very important. It's getting very scarce for our people. Yes, it was plentiful in the past…
对他们来说,鲑鱼是营养和灵感的来源。现年70的杰拉尔丁?吉姆住在俄勒冈州的温泉印地安部落. 她说,鲑鱼的数量已经越来越少了。 “这至关重要,越来越少的鲑鱼已不能满足族人的需求。没错,过去鲑鱼非常丰产,多到拥到河床上,我们甚至可以用手就把它们从河里捞出来。” 游客和居民了解了鲑鱼的来历并学习如何帮助它们幸免…