


kimchi 泡菜
Hi there. I'm doing a story about Asian cuisine and wondered if you could give me some details about Korean food? I'm particularly interested in kimchi. Of course! Well, kimchi is basically a salted, pickled vegetable dish, often a basic side dish in any Korean meal. The fermentation of different vegetables, complemented by salted fish and other seasonings, give it a unique flavour. It is also a nutritious dish, providing vitamins, lactic acid, and minerals. Kimchi can also be preserved for a long time. Ok, so pickles. Is there more than one type of kimchi? Yes, there are many, many types of kimchi. Here are some basic ones, whole cabbage kimchi, the cabbage isn't actually whole though, it's cut in half lengthways. Next is wrapped kimchi, where seafood, fruit and many other ingredients are wrapped inside cabbage leaves. Mmm… that one sounds lovely. It smells good too. It's delicious, we can try some later. On to white cabbage kimchi, this is less watery than the other types. It uses more pickled fish and red pepper, too. Then, stuffed cucumber kimchi, which can be done using baby cucumbers. Followed by hot radish kimchi, where the white radishes are cut into small cubes.