"Let's go outside and play," says Wendy. "OK!" say the Lost Boys. Then they go out. But the Pirates are waiting for them. "Tie them up!" shouts Hook. Tinker Bell sees everything. She flies to Peter and wakes him up. "Captain Hook took the children to the ship!"
温迪说:“我们出去玩吧。” 其余男孩一致赞同:“好的。” 然后,他们一起出去了,没想到的是海盗们正在等着他们。 Hook大喊一声:“把他们都给捆起来。” 幸好小叮当目睹了这一切,他飞着去找皮特,把他叫醒,告诉他:“Hook船长把孩子们带到船上去了。” ——译文来自: iris881112