
*~~这个视频是日本设计师Kenichi Tanaka的毕业设计作品。他从八个方面对日本的怪现象进行了生动而有趣的诠释,画面风格欢快,观点也比较诚实客观。今天大家先来看看总述部分,往后的每个小部分将以听写的形式陆续更新,欢迎大家踊跃参加>w<~~*


[________1________]. The population is around 130,000,000 people. The total world population is 6,800,000,000, which means that [__2__] 2 in every 100 people are Japanese. Japan's land area measures 378,000 square kilometers. If the earth's land area is 149,000,000 square kilometers and the total area is 510,000,000 square kilometers, [______3______]. Japan is the most advanced country in Asia. It is second only to America in GDP, [_________4_________]. Life expectancy of Japanese men is 79 years and 86 years for women, which is the longest in the world. And there are culture practices such as KABUKI, BONSAI, SUMO, SADOU, KIMONO and ORIGAMI, [__________5_________]. And we must not forget, Japan was the first country in the world to experience the destructive power of not one, but two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. More than 220,000 (two hundred and twenty thousand) people lost their lives and as a result, [____________6__________]. In these ways Japan is a country with its own original culture and history, [________________7_______________]. Let's take a look at these strange things in eight different category.

Japan is a small country located in east Asia roughly then Japan is no bigger than this red dot and it's proud of its high standard of living and economic wealth all of which have developed into distinctly Japanese traditions Japan abandoned its war time constitution but nowadays there are also many strange things about modern day Japan
日本是个东亚的小国家,人口1.3亿,而世界人口68亿.也就是说……每100个人有两个是日本人.日本国土面积378000平方千米,如果地球陆地面积是1.4亿,地球表面积是5.1亿,那日本比这个红点大不了多少。 日本是东亚最发达的国家,GDP仅次于美国。生活质量很高,经济发达。人均寿命男的79,女的86,世界最高。文化方面则有歌舞伎、盆栽、相扑、茶道、和服和折纸,都源于日本独特的文化传统。 当然我们不会忘记,日本是世界上第一个尝到原子弹厉害的国家,不只一颗,而是两个:二战期间的广岛和长崎。220000人丧生,此后日本也废弃了战时宪法。总之,日本这个国家有独特的文化和历史,不过现代的日本有些奇怪的地方,让我们一起来从八个方面看看奇怪的日本。