大家好~其实牧牧这次选《面纱》是有点小小的私心。上周诺顿大神度过了43岁得生日,作为大粉,特此献上这部经典的作品向他致敬。Edward, happy birthday to you.



---And I think what you're doing, [---1---], is incredibly noble.
---You used to feel [---2---] for me. Don't you still?
---Walter. I can't believe that you, with all your cleverness, should have such little sense of proportion.
We humans are more complex than your silly little [---3---].
[---4---]. We make mistakes, and we disappoint.
---Yes, we certainly do.
---I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm not the perfect young woman that you want me to be.
I'm just ordinary. I never tried to pretend that I was anything else.
---No, you certainly didn't.
---I like the theater, and dancing, and playing tennis. I like games. I like men who play games.
God forgive me, that's the way I was [---5---].
---I play a pretty fierce hand of bridge.
---Oh, well, that's [---6---] exciting.
And you, you dragged me around all those interminable galleries in Venice, blathering on about [---7---] and the flushing of the lagoon system, or some such nonsense.
Honestly, I'd have been much happier playing golf at Sandwich.
---I suppose you're right. It was silly of us to look for [---8---] in each other that we never had.
---Yes. Yes, it was.
Walter? Why didn't you break down that door when you knew I was in there with Charlie? You might have [---9---] tried to thrash him.
---He wasn't [---10---]. Or maybe I'm just too proud to fight.
---I don't know about that.
for instance contempt microbes We're unpredictable brought up bloody the miracle of the canals qualities at least worth it
——比如说你现在所做的,我觉得就非常伟大。 ——你以前看不起我,现在呢? ——沃尔特,我真不敢相信,凭你的聪明才智,竟然会如此糊涂。 人类难道不比那些微生物复杂吗? 我们难以预计,我们会犯错会让人失望。 ——是的,当然是这样。 ——对不起。对不起我不是你期望的完美女人。 我是个普通女人,我从没有装模作样。 ——你的确没有。 ——我喜欢看戏,跳舞,打网球。我喜欢游戏,喜欢玩游戏的男人。没办法,我的家教就是这样。 ——我打桥牌还是有一手的。 ——哦,是吗,那很了不起。可你拉着我在威尼斯没完没了地逛画廊,还喋喋不休说着运河的奇迹和它的排水系统 ,或者其它同样无聊的事情。我还不如去桑威治打高尔夫球会更开心。 ——我想你是对的。我们寻找对方没有的品质,太傻了。 ——对。对,是很傻。 沃尔特?你当时知道我跟查理在屋子里,你为什么不冲进来?这样至少可以好好教训他一下。 ——他不值得我那么做。也可能我不屑跟人家打架。 ——这我可不好说。