

People often employ dressers, who help to fit the kimono and obi. The kimono is the same size, no matter how small the lady is. It's a difficult process and almost impossible to do alone. As you can see, the obi is tied at the back, so someone must assist the kimono wearer while they are dressing. This kimono is different. The sleeves are so long! It looks like they would drag on the ground. Who would wear a kimono like this? This is one of the most elaborate kimono designs, which is only worn by an apprentice Geisha. As you can see, the colours are brighter, the flower design is much more detailed, the sleeves are longer and the obi is made of a heavier fabric. Yes, I can see. It must be difficult to stand with so much extra weight wrapped around your body. The kimono and obi of an apprentice is very difficult to wear. Very heavy, which makes it difficult to walk in. But it does look really beautiful.