资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Alright. I am going to fill this pot with water, place it on the stove, set the stove on high heat, and wait until the water boils. Lo, have you heard the saying "A watched pot never boils?"
B: No, what does it mean?
A: It means that no matter how long you stand over your pot, watching it and hoping it will boil, it will never begin to boil until you look away from it. Try it!
B: Oh, I don't think I have the patience for that!
A: So, I am going to place a little olive ____1____, the garlic and the shrimp in a pan on medium to high heat and saute the shrimp until they turn pink. That means they are just about cooked!
B: How come we don't use the oven or the microwave to cook the shrimp? Wouldn't it be easier?
A: The microwave is definitely the easiest way, but it doesn't produce a good flavor in the shrimp because they'll cook too fast. The oven is a good way, especially if the shrimp are placed in a pan with ____2____. Another popular method of cooking shrimp is to ____3____ them.
B: Wow -- so many choices! I'm glad you're here to teach me! Hey! Looks like we weren't watching the pot! The water's boiling -- I will add the pasta!
A: Now that our shrimp have turned pink we'll add the tomatoes and onions and ____4____ them all together for about 8-10 minutes.
B: Oh! I almost forget to put my pasta ____5____ in the sink! It's always good to be ready for the next step in the cooking process, right?
A: That's right Lo! You're a fast learner!
B: What happens if we don't finish all of this food?
A: Well, then you can just refrigerate the leftovers until tomorrow when you're hungry again for some more shrimp and pasta!
最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

oil butter grill simmer strainer
<本期重点词汇> oil n.油 butter n.黄油 grill v.烤 simmer v.炖 strainer n.过滤器 "A watched pot never boils" 看着的锅不开, 英语习语,意思是我们急于求成的事情往往很难实现. <参考译文> A: 好了。我要把这个罐装满水,把它放在炉子上,火开到最大,等水沸腾。罗,你听到过“看着的锅不开”这句俗语吗? B: 没听过。什么意思? A: 它的意思是无论你站在锅边多长时间,怎么看着它,盼望着它开,它也不开,知道你不看它了,就开了。不信你试试! B: 哦,我想我可没有那种耐心! A: 这样,在平锅里放上一点橄榄油和大蒜,放入准备好的虾,由中火开至大火,把吓煎得变成粉红色。这时虾就快好了。 B: 为什么不用烤箱或者微波炉来做虾呢?那不是更容易吗? A: 微波炉当然是最容易的方法,可是做出来的虾味道不够,因为微波炉速度太快了,烤箱也是个不错的办法,尤其是当虾和黄油一起放入盘子里的时候。另一种流行的做法就是在烤箱上烤虾。 B: 哦,这么多做法!真高兴你在这教我。嘿,我们好像没有一直监视这个锅!水开了——我要把意大利面条放进去了! A: 现在,虾已经变成粉色了,放入西红柿和洋葱,慢煮8~10分钟。 B: 哦,我差点忘了把盛放面条的滤网放在水槽里。在做饭的过程中为下一步做好准备总是好的,对吧? A: 对呀,罗,你学的可真快! B: 要是吃不完怎么办? A: 那么你就要把剩下的放在冰箱里,明早饿了接着吃虾和面条!