资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖A Business Lunch〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Hey Lo! Let's go have lunch down in the cafeteria!
B: Alright. Just let me finish typing up this report.
A: Hey Mina! Lo and I are going down to get some lunch. Do you want to come?
C: Yes! I need a break! Let's go!
At the cafeteria
C: So, what are you boys going to order today?
B: I'm thinking about getting a philly cheese ____1____ I haven't had one in a while. I like ones with ____2____ and onions on top.
A: I want a ____3____ and ____4____. Well, maybe I will get onion rings instead.
C: I'm a big fan of BLTs. And mozzarella sticks! But only if they have good marinara ____5____ to go with them.
B: I'm going to go pay and get us a table. See you out there! Oh, and Kevin, get me a soda, would you?
A: Sure!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

steak peppers burger fries sauce
<本期重点词汇> cafeteria n.自助餐厅 steak n.牛排 pepper n.胡椒粉 onion n.洋葱 burger n.汉堡 fries n.炸薯条 BLT=Bacon Lettuce Tomato 咸肉生菜番茄三明治 cheese / mozzarella sticks 意大利干酪 sauce n.沙司,调味汁 <参考译文> A: 嗨,罗,我们一起去自助餐厅吃饭去! B: 好的,让我先把这篇报告打完。 A: 嗨,麦娜,我和罗要下楼吃午餐,你想一起去吗? C: 好的,我也想休息一下。一起去吧。 (在自助餐厅) C: 今天你们男孩们想吃什么? B: 我想要一份费利奶酪牛排,我有一段时间没吃了。我喜欢那种上面有胡椒粉和洋葱的。 A: 我想要一份汉堡和薯条。也可以换一份洋葱圈。 C: 我最喜欢吃咸肉生菜番茄三明治,还要意大利白奶酪条,要是有海员式沙司最好了。 B: 我去付账并给我们找张桌子,门口见!哦,凯文,给我们买汽水,好吗? A: 好的!