资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Deciding to find an apartment〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: So Lo, what kind of apartment should we get? I'm really ____1____ to get a place of my own.
B: Yeah, it's gonna be great. Well, I want a nice place, but our ____2____ isn't very high so we might need to find someplace a bit less ____3____.
B: The way I figure it, we can both put between 200~250 dollars a month into ____4____. That leaves enough for food and other expenses, right?
A: That sounds good. I'm afraid if we spend anything less on housing we'll be living in a ____5____ ____6____!
B: So, we definitely want two bedrooms, a living room for the TV, a ____7____ and a little ____8____. Anything else?
A: I wouldn't mind if we could find a place with a ____9____ or a balcony. Also, I don't want to be too far away from downtown——the traffic is just too heavy to get to work. Wouldn't it be great if we could walk to work everyday?
B: We'll see what we can find. Apartments closer to downtown are more expensive.
A: Let's get down to the ____10____'s office——our appointment starts soon!

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D

stoked salary pricey rent rat trap bathroom kitchen porch realtor
<本期重点词汇> stoked 一种俚语的表达方式,指做某事很兴奋。 salary n.薪水 pricey ad.高价的 rent n.租金 rat trap 鼠窝(形容狭小的房子) bathroom n.浴室 bedroom n.卧室 living room 客厅 kitchen n.厨房 porch n.走廊 downtown n.市中心区 realtor n.房屋中介 <参考译文> A: 这么说,罗,我们应该找什么样的房子呢?我真的太想有一个属于自己的空间了。 B: 是啊。有自己的房子真的太好了。嗯,我想找个好地方,但是我们的工资不高,我们需要找个相对不太贵的地方。 A: 我是这么打算的,我们能每月交200~250美元房租。这样我们剩下的足够用在食物和其他开销上,对吧? B: 听起来不错,我担心如果我们在房子问题上花费太少,我们会住得像老鼠洞似的。 A: 所以,我们绝对要有2个卧室,一个有电视的客厅,一个卫生间和一个小厨房,还有其他吗? B: 如果我们能找到一个带有走廊或者阳台的地方我也不会介意的。我也不想住得离市区太远——那样会因交通拥挤不好上班。如果我们能每天步行上班多好啊! A: 我们看看能找到什么样的吧。房子离市区越近越贵。 B: 我们去房屋中介那看看吧,我们约定会面的时间快到了。