

大家注意hindlimbs是一个词,而hind foot是两个词,分开写的哦~
So, because they have short forelimbs and long hindlimbs, they can jump easily, quickly and for long distances. Right. Taking off on their hind feet, landing on their forelimbs and tail, pushing off again with their hindlimbs. The elongated and very strong fourth toe of the hind foot serves as a lever to propel the animal along and bears the animal's weight when it stands. I see. Long legs increase the stride when hopping. Forelimbs and tails prop them up when they crawl slowly to feed. Powerful hindlimbs and a large heavy tail serve for balance and support. But tree kangaroos have shorter prehensile tails and climb rather than hop. Many kangaroo species are grazers and browsers adapted to living in dry desert habitats. Just like me! I'm always eating and gazing at what's going on around me. The desert is so dry, what can they eat? They usually eat any grass they can find, even very hard grass. They must have good, strong teeth too. Some, such as several tree kangaroos, my particular favourite, are threatened with survival, but others, like the grey and red kangaroos, have flourished and are now considered to be pests.
K: 卡伦 C: 夏洛特 K:正是因为袋鼠前肢很短而后肢又很长,所以它们才能跳得又快又远。 C:没错。袋鼠用后脚起跳,用前肢和尾巴着地,然后用他们的后肢推动再次跳起。袋鼠后脚的第4个脚趾长而有力,作为向前跳时的支撑点,还承担着自己站立时的体重。 K:我知道了。长腿使它们跳得更远,而缓慢爬行进食时,它们的前肢和尾巴又起着支撑作用。它们强有力的后退和粗重的尾巴也起着平衡和支撑作用。 C:但是树袋鼠的尾巴较短,有捕捉力,适合爬而不适合跳。许多袋鼠都是食草和嫩叶的动物,喜欢四处觅食,适合在干旱的沙漠环境中生活。 K:就象我一样!我总是一边吃东西一边注意观察身边发生的事。不过沙漠这么干,袋鼠都吃些什么呢? C:能找到的所有草类,它们通常都吃,哪怕是那些很坚硬难啃的草。 K:它们的牙齿也一定都坚硬耐磨。 C:有些袋鼠,比如一些树袋鼠,也是我最喜欢的那种,现在正濒临灭绝;但另外一些种类,比如红袋鼠和灰袋鼠,现在因繁殖过多而被当成祸害。