
Olivia: Hi there! You on your own?
Harry: Yeah,

Olivia: As always. Never stops, that boy.
Harry: Talking of which, what are you doing here. Shouldn’t you be in the shop?
Olivia: I’m just taking a break.
Harry: They’re very nice shoes, though.
Olivia: All hand made, of course. But, like I say, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life running that shop.
Olivia: That’s right! I’ve thought about that already.
Harry: Have you got anybody to set up a website for you?
Olivia: No, but I did think. I was wondering. I don’t suppose.
Harry: What?
Olivia: That you’d be interested?
Harry: Me? Do your website for you?
Olivia: Well, yeah.
Harry: Well, I guess I could do it, sure. I’ll have to think.
Olivia: Hi Fadi! How are you doing? Do you know my friend Harry?
Fadi: No. nice to meet you!
Harry: Yeah. you too. cheers.
Olivia: Fadi works in the restaurant business, don’t you Fadi?
Fadi: Well, sort of, not exactly. we supply food to lots of restaurants, but.I tell you it’s a nightmare at the moment.
Olivia: Oh dear. What’s the problem?
Fadi: Well, there’s just too much work really can’t keep up. It’s my dad’s business, but he’s getting old now.
I can’t keep track of what’s coming in and going out.
Harry: Sounds like you need a better stock management system!
Fadi: Yeah! That’s exactly what I was thinking how did you know that?
Harry: That’s my job in it.
Fadi: Wow! That’s brilliant! Listen, seriously now, would you be interested in some work?
Harry: Erm. well. yeah!
What should I do?
Johnny’s just gone off to work. I’m fed up of standing in that shop selling shoes all day, to tell you the truth. You could sell your shoes on the web. I’d like someone I know someone I can trust. My uncle works with us too, but he’s not really interested, so it’s all up to me. I set up computerised stock management systems, all kinds of business IT solutions. That’s three job offers I've had in the last five minutes!
奥利维亚:嘿!你一个人吗? 哈利:是啊,约翰尼去工作了 奥利维亚:还是老样子,那个人怎么就不消停呢? 哈利:我说,你在这里作什么。你不是应该在商店里吗? 奥利维亚:我只是休息一下。实话说,我已经受够了一整天站在商店里卖鞋。 哈利:不过,那些鞋子都挺不错的。 奥利维亚:那当然,全手工制作的。但是,就像我说的那样,我不想一辈子都那样卖鞋 哈利:你可以在网上卖。 奥利维亚:没错!我也想过这个问题。 哈利:有人帮你建网站吗? 奥利维亚:没有,不过我真的觉得,我不知道,我想可不可以 哈利:什么? 奥利维亚:你会感兴趣吗? 哈利:我吗?帮你建网站吗? 奥利维亚:嗯,嗯!我想找一个人我认识又可以信任的人 哈利:嗯,我想我可以做,当然,我必须想一想。 奥利维亚:嗨!法迪!你好吗?你认识我的朋友哈利吗? 法迪:不,很高兴见到你! 哈利:我也是。 奥利维亚:法迪在做餐馆的生意,是吗? 法迪:嗯是,也不完全是,我们给很多餐馆提供食物,但是,我告诉你,它现在是个噩梦。 奥利维亚:噢,亲爱的。有什么问题吗? 法迪:嗯,还有太多的工作跟不上。这是我爸爸的公司,但是他的年龄大了。我的叔叔也和我们一起工作,但他不是真的感兴趣,所以这些都压到我身上了。我管理不了输出输入的问题。 哈利:听起来好像你需要一个更好的库存管理系统! 法迪:是啊!这正是我在想要的,你怎么知道的? 哈利:那是我的工作。我建立了库存管理系统,和各种商业计算机解决方案。 法迪:哇!真厉害!认真的说,你对我这的工作有兴趣吗? 哈利:嗯,好吧,是的,这是在过去的五分钟里的第三个工作机会了,我该怎么选呀?