MSN Business
校稿 reallyyan
翻译 莜珍
组长 ilmalfoy
Citizens who are upset by the super-sized houses going up in their neighborhood have four choices: move, win the lottery and build their own McMansion, get used to the monolith next door or, if it's not too late, get the city council to pass a regulation to limit the size of new houses in their area…
那些为邻里不断建起的超大房子而苦恼的人通常有四个选择:搬走;彩票中奖之后建个属于自己的“麦克豪宅(McMansion)”;习惯伫立在隔壁的庞然大物;或者,来的及的话,向市议会提议要求他们颁布限制本区住宅建设面积的规定。 第四个选择似乎越来越奏效了。全国范围内的各个社区正在通过更为严格的建筑限制,以防止建…