
Hi. My name's Jessica and I'm an artist. And today we're going to sketch a cat. So take your pencil or a pen or whatever you have and just start to draw your shape. So, you've got the round top for the head, a couple of little triangles for ears, and then the body comes down.

If the cat is sitting say to the side, it's going to have kind of a little bit of a puffed, kind of a puffed shape to its chest, which is going to come down to its feet. And then it has a little bit of a sort of back that arches out, like so. As it comes down, its tail's going to wrap around, like so.

So, just, you want to just get the basic shape of the cat body in there. There's the front and the back leg kind of comes around like that. Right. And then it's got the cat its kind of cat face. There's the nose, the eyes and the ears.

And then you'll go in and maybe draw some colors and things like that later if you'd like to. The reason you have the tail, it doesn't have to be wrapped around the front. Maybe the tail's going to be straight behind it, like so.

You can really do anything you want with the tail. Now, once you've got your cat shape, your sketch if you will, then maybe you want to go back in with a, with a pen or pencil and give it a little bit of a more defined line and erase some of those sketches, if you want to have a more finished look to your piece.

Give it a little nose and some whiskers. Make the pieces a little bit more defined. There's the leg, there's the back and the tail. And it comes around just like that. And then maybe you can give it some color. Maybe it has a little bit of orange in the front. And maybe this cat as a couple spots. Orange spotted cat, I've seen stranger things. Just like that. And that is how you sketch a cat.