I loved you, Gemma, when you were an ugly little girl in a gingham frock, with your hair in a pig-tail down your back; and I love you still. Do you remember that day when I kissed your hand, and when you so piteously begged me 'never to do that again'? It was a scoundrelly trick to play, I know; but you must forgive that; and now I kiss the paper where I have written your name. So I have kissed you twice, and both times without your consent. "That is all. Good-bye, my dear." There was no signature, but a verse which they had learned together as children was written under the letter: "Then am I A happy fly, If I live Or if I die."
我曾爱过你,Gemma,当你还是个穿着格子连衣裙,梳着粉红色马尾辫的丑丫头;我现在依然爱你。你还记得我吻你手的那天,你可怜地对我说“不要再那样做了”么?虽然那样做很不得体,我知道;但是请你原谅;现在我亲吻写着你名字的信纸。我已经亲吻过你两次了,而且两次都未经你允许。 “就这样了。再见,我亲爱的。” 我不署名了,但是用一首我们儿时共同学过的诗落款: “那么我是一只快乐的苍蝇,无论是活着还是死去.” ——译文来自: labi88