suddenly 突然

shocked 震惊地
storm 暴风雨
lightning 闪电
The weather had changed while we had been talking. The sky grew dark, and the rain came down suddenly. We ran back to the house, holding hands and laughing. We were very wet when we arrived at Thornfield. We did not notice Mrs. Fairfax standing in a corner of the room, watching us. "Good night, my darling!" Mr. Rochester said, kissing me many times. As I ran upstairs, I suddenly saw the old lady. She looked shocked. "Tomorrow I'll explain everything to her," I thought. At that moment, I was too happy to think about anything except my happiness. Mr. Rochester loved me! Outside, there was a terrible storm that lasted all night. In the morning we saw that a large old tree in the garden, which had stood for hundreds of years, had been hit by lightning and torn in half.