Cover the container with a clean piece of wood. Hold the wood down with a heavy stone. Leave the fish there for about six hours. After that, remove them from the salt water and place them on a clean surface. Cover the fish with a clean piece of white cloth and let them dry. But we are not done yet.…
在容器上盖上一块干净的木板,用一块重石把木板压下。让鱼肉在容器里的盐水中腌制6小时。然后把他们从盐水中拿出,并将鱼肉置于一个干净的表面。并用一块白色的干净布料将鱼包裹起来然后让其风干。 但是到这一步我们还没有完成。下周我们将讨论鱼风干过程中接下来的步骤。我们也将描述熏制法的过程。干盐腌制法是另一个制备保…